Sunday, July 7, 2019

antilles jewel

500 mL Aged Barbados Rum (2 1/2 oz RL Seale 10 Year)
250 mL Aged Demerara Rum (1 1/4 oz El Dorado 5 Year)
200 mL Banana Liqueur (1 oz Giffard)
100 mL White Crème de Cacao (1/2 oz Bols)
250 mL Coconut Water (1 1/4 oz)
350 mL Lime Juice (1 3/4 oz)

Combine, stir, refrigerate, and add to a punch bowl over a large ice block (whip shake, pour into a Tiki bowl, and fill with crushed ice). Garnish with citrus wheels and edible flowers (citrus wheel and mint sprig).
To find another tropical use of the coconut water, I delved into Shannon Mustipher's Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails and spotted the Antilles Jewel. The punch's name perhaps references Haiti (then Saint-Domingue) which in the 17th century was known as the "Jewel of the Antilles" for being the most prosperous colony in the world due to it producing 80% of the world's sugar. Once prepared, the Antilles Jewel welcomed the senses with banana and mint aromas. Next, lime, caramel, and a salty coconut water sip transitioned into rum, banana, and chocolate flavors on the swallow.

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