Oh Fernet, yummy Fernet. I was inextricably connected to you the moment I first tasted you on my tongue. I have done things I never thought I would -- I learned how to take a shot! -- just for you. Your scent tickles and arouses, and the way you touch me! It is as if you are in my mind. You utterly disarm me. I have personally consumed an amount that must range into the liters now, and I do hope we can maintain this relationship forever because I just cannot live without you in my life. I love you.
I've been having trouble sleeping for weeks now, but last night? One little shot and I slept and slept peacefully. Tummyaches are eased away. I've allowed myself to get pleasantly schnockered in short order on occasion, with no ill effect (note: I have never had a hangover in my life, so this could just be me). One of the best compliments I've ever received was being told that "this stuff tastes like you smell" (I tend towards odd, spicy essential oil blends). And, oh, with chocolate? So so very good along with chocolate. The question remains: why am I drinking coffee right now?
The Myth of Fernet
Distillerie Fratelli Branca
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