Thursday, January 14, 2010

:: mxmo XLV announcement! ::

MxMo XLV: Teas

CocktailVirgin will be hosting this month's Mixology Monday, a monthly online cocktail party with a different theme each month. This month the chosen theme will be tea.

Tea has played a historical role in cocktails for centuries. Perhaps the best documented early example was its inclusion in punches as part of the spice role to round out the spirit, sugar, water, and citrus line up. Later, teas appear in many recipes such as Boston Grog, English Cobbler, and a variety of Hot Toddies. And present day mixologists are utilizing tea flavors with great success including Audrey Saunder's Earl Grey MarTEAni and LUPEC Boston's Flapper Jane. Now it's our turn to honor this glorious cocktail ingredient!

Here's how to play:

• Find or concoct a drink recipe that uses tea or tisane (a herbal "tea" which lacks tea leaves) as an ingredient. This can be hot tea, cold tea, tea syrups, or infusions and use it in a cocktail, punch, or other drink type. Be careful how long you infuse them (after 2 hours, things get really bitter!) if you go that route, and feel free to take a shortcut and use Beefeater 24 which has tea already in the botanical mix.
• Make the drink and then post the recipe, a photo, and your thoughts about the drink on your blog or on the eGullet Spirits and Cocktails forum.
• Include in your post the MxMo logo and a link back to both the Mixology Monday and CocktailVirgin sites. And once the round-up is posted, a link to that summary post would be appreciated.
• Post a link to your submission in the comment section here, or send an email to

The due date is Monday, January 25th which I will interpret as whatever gets posted before I awake on Tuesday the 26th (and for the late ones, I'll still accept entries. Ones that get in by Tuesday around 10pm EST will definitely get onto the RSS Feed, others will be added to the post (the feed only goes out once)).



Admari Tea said...

I am in!


Ken Moorhead said...

Oh, I already have the perfect cocktail for this!

TimothyB said...

I was exposed to a wonderful tea that I would love to try for this :)

MikeMcSorley said...

I'm in too.

Unknown said...

I've given it a go, enjoy.
Tea for two

Pantagruel said...

Here's my post on the Bee's Teas:

Thanks for hosting.

DJ HawaiianShirt said...

Here's my entry Frederic. I talked you up in my post. :)

Anonymous said...

Frederic hi! Here is my post.

Thanks for hosting.

Andy Tate said...

Here's my effort - the Serendipitea

Anonymous said...

Hi Frederic! Science of Drink blog (Ukraine) participate too :)

Thanks for inspiration, I wrote about my "russian" method of making tea and English Cobbler cocktail (it is historically my first cocktail with tea, but anyway thanks for inspiration :) )

It is my post MxMo XLV: Tea - Eglish Cobbler.

Thanks for host, Frederic! And thanks for new, interesting idea!


Jenn said...

Here's my post link.

Thanks for hosting!

Paul Zablocki said...

Thanks for hosting! Why stop drinking te throughout the day when you can add booze to it at night! Bottoms Up! -Paul & Steve

Jessamyn said...

Introducing...the Royal Yunnan!

Rowen said...

OK, here's mine:

Kevin said...

Thanks for hosting! Here's my submission --


Shawn said...

Thanks for hosting this round. My link is below. Cheers!


anthony said...

here's ours, cheers! Anthony

Tiare said...

Hi here is my entry:

Thanks for hosting!

Tiare said...

Hi here is my entry:

Thanks for hosting!

The Opinionated Alchemist said...

Well - thank you very much for hosting this MxMo and yes - I am also in...

Here is the shortened address:

Or you just head over to


Dominik MJ

Jon said...

As much as I love a cuppa, I'm excited to see what folk come up with outside of milk-and-two-sugars.

My own little effort is here:

Thanks for hosting!


Michael Dietsch said...


SeanMike said...

Here y'all go!


KL said...

I have Tea with Hemmingway up at

Drinkapotamus said...

All set, and after much "quality control," I approve this drink.

Thanks for hosting!

Jacob Grier said...

Here's my entry, thanks again for hosting:

pc said...

Down to the wire, but I'm in!

Here's my post, for the Butter Cup.

Thanks for hosting!

- pc

adrinkwithforrest said...

Thanks for hosting...

Here is mine. . .

BartenderOne said...

Great topic this month... some killer cocktails already posted. Got some killer looseleaf teas out west last year but this was the winner for this round... Thanks for hosting! See you all next month

BartenderOne said...

Great topic, sat in on a wonderful seminar at tales 08 with Charlotte Voisey on tea cocktails... really opened my eyes!

Here's the winner for this month, thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Here is my entry.

smart kitty said...

Thanks for hosting! Here's Drink of the Week's tea cocktail:

Green Tea Gimlet

Stevi Deter said...

Yeah, yeah, late, but my post is up: