3/4 oz Honey Ginger Syrup
1/2 oz Lime Juice
2 sprig Mint (leaf only)
1 wedge Lime
Shake with ice and pour into a rocks glass without straining. Add straws.
Last Sunday, Andrea and I crossed the river to visit Deep Ellum in Allston. For a first drink, I asked bartender Evan Harrison to make me the São Paulo Summer since Andrea had enjoyed it a lot the last time we were there. Despite it being still a bit chilly here, São Paulo in Brazil experiences their summer along with the rest of the Southern Hemisphere from November to March. The Brazilian aspect of the drink was the spirit, Germana Cachaça, which is distilled in copper pot stills and aged for two years in balsam and Sherry oak casks. Beside the mint, lime juice, and lime wedge (for peel oils), the last component of the São Paulo Summer was a honey ginger syrup that Deep Ellum has at the bar for the Little Branch Cocktail.

We absolutely love your blog and subscribe at the newsletter. We learn a lot about cocktails with you! We live unfortunately in a country were cocktails are just considered as colorful, exotic and alcoholic drinks...
We are spending few days in NYC and Boston in July and thought that you'll be able to give us some good bars to visit, especially in Boston.
We live in Belgium and have a food blog but we are interested in developing our cocktail knowledge.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
Laura & Hubert
It depends on how many nights you are in Boston. Eastern Standard has a solid program with an extensive menu and well trained bartenders who can go off the menu or delve into old menu items. Drink is the most creative since they lack a formal menu and will create a drink given the information you provide for them. Those are the top 2 recommendations. For others, look at the tags on the right hand side of the blog.
Also, please consult DrinkBoston for Lauren gives some great information about establishments across town (a different but very overlapping perspective):
Thans a lot Frederic! You were very quick! I don't know yet how many days we are spending in Boston. But enough to try at least three or four bars. I keep your two choices and I'm going to give a look at "drinkboston" for other addresses.
Sorry to bother you but do you have rec for NYC? We liked very much Death & Co and Angel's Share but were a bit disappointed by the PDT.
No clue about New York -- there are just too many places.
Other recs:
* Central Square Cambridge Trio: Craigie on Main (bar can get crowded), Green Street (ask for their 6 sided menu), and Rendezvous (more of a restaurant, but solid drinks at the bar).
* Nearby Eastern Standard: ICOB (Island Creek Oyster Bar run by same people as ES) and the Citizen (more of a whiskey bar, but they have cocktails).
There are other recommendations but they are further away or isolated from other establishments (depending on what night you go on, one might be packed so you can go to the other ones near by, unless there are none).
Thank you so much.
As I see, in Boston the best bars are in restaurants... In NYC it's a bit different.
A last question. Sorry I take advantage of your kindness... Is there a good shop (not online) where I can buy barware, alcohol and bitters in Boston?
For barware and bitters, the Boston Shaker store in Davis Square, Somerville: http://www.thebostonshaker.com/
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