Surprisingly, not bad at all... and actually rather good. The hops and carbonation in the beer worked well with the lemon juice to make a crisp drink with the right amount of sweetness. The cocktail had a slight beer nose but the ingredients made for a very pleasant flavor combination. So I was greatly surprised at how well gin and beer mixed together. Not sure if it would work with all beer choices, but with the Heineken Light, this drink was on the money! Grade: A/A-FrenchDutch 75
• 1 oz Gin (the leftover Tanqueray)
• 1/2 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
• 1/2 oz Simple Syrup (1:1 sugar:water ratio)
• Champagne (Heineken Light)
Shake the gin, lemon juice, and simple syrup with ice and strain into a champagne flute. Top off with the Champagne/beer, give a gentle stir, and garnish with a lemon twist.

Black Cherry Champagne CocktailI thought this drink recipe looked a little sweet for me and pre-emptively thought of halving the simple syrup, but Andrea convinced me to stick to the recipe. Using Luxardo cherries (preserved in syrup) instead of fresh fruit also did not help with the sweetness level. The drink turned out to be not too bad and the hops did cut the sweetness back a bit (although not enough for my taste buds). Andrea thought drink was "sort of Lambic-y… over all not bad," and that maybe the choice of beers was fortuitous after all as it was very champagne like. Grade: B
• 2 Pitted Black Cherries (Luxardo Marasca cherries)
• 2/3 oz Cherry Heering
• 1/3 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
• 1/3 oz Simple Syrup (1:1 ratio)
• Champagne (Heineken Light)
Muddle the cherries with the Cherry Heering, simple syrup, and juice. Add ice, shake, and strain into a champagne flute. Top off with Champagne/beer and give a quick stir.

Air MailWow, the lime and beer did not work for me. Dutch beer is not the same as Mexican beer. After the first sip, the drink vaguely reminded Andrea of a (mintless) Mojito; she imagined that with a little muddled mint that it might be pretty good. She also thought that the beer brought out some pleasant earthiness in the rum. About half way through this highball, it got sinked. She declared that the drink needs work but has some promise, whereas I was less optimistic. Grade: C
• 1 1/2 oz Gold Rum (Mt. Gay Eclipse Rum)
• 3/4 oz Fresh Lime Juice
• 1 tsp Honey
• Champagne (again, Heineken Light)
Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Top off with Champagne/beer and give a quick stir.

Sea Captain’s SpecialI ended up choosing a less spicy Maryland style rye, Pikesville (similar to Old Overholt), instead of a spicier Pennsylvania style, like Rittenhouse. With this drink, the hops in the beer blended right in with the spice notes in the bitters and pastis. The anise-seed flavor in the pastis was rather compatible with Heineken Light's hop selection. Moreover, the pastis formed a great louche halo over the drink akin to a Half Sinner-Half Saint cocktail. Andrea thought the drink was rather dry and delightful; however, it was not as tasty as the Dutch 75. Grade: A-/B+
• 1 1/2 oz Rye (Pikesville Rye)
• 1/2 tsp Sugar (1/2 tsp simple syrup)
• 2 dashes of Aromatic Bitters (Fee's Whiskey Barrel Aged Bitters)
Stir with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with crushed ice.
• Champagne (Heineken Light)
• 1/4 oz Pastis (Le Pastis d’Autrefois)
Fill with Champagne and give a quick stir. Float the pastis.
In conclusion, this experiment of swapping out Champagne for the cheaper and currently very available bar reagent in our fridge of light beer was a success. Out of the four, we had two rather good drinks, one pretty decent but would have been too sweet regardless of the bubbly we chose drink, and one that just failed flavor-wise but might have worked with another beer choice drink. My google-fu puts the price of a 12 oz can of Heineken Light bought in a 12-pack at a dollar on sale and up to $1.33 at normal market value. Given that we made all four drinks with about a can and a half of beer, any of of these elegant drinks could be made for under a $1.50 per serving which is not a bad price for what might cost you $8-14 out on the town using the bar's choice of sparkling wine. I am indeed curious to hear if people have different successes and failures using other beer selections. Cheers from Fred and Andrea of CocktailVirgin!
1. The round-up of this month's MxMo entries has been posted! Check it out here.
2. Paul Clarke wrote a great article in Sfgate on bartenders who craft cocktails around the beer float for the qualities of the beer itself and not as a Champagne substitute, per se.
I love this idea and will be conducting some (hopefully) tasty experiments of my own.
I wonder how Guinness or a similar dark would taste in the Black Cherry Champagne Cocktail. I'm not a huge fan of the darker beers, but I do like a Guinness with Ribena from time to time.
Stout and cherries or berries sounds like it would work well. I would also guess that IPA would be interesting in many cocktails (although not necessarily the Black Cherry one).
Since you liked the Dutch 75 so much, you might want to try an old beer cocktail called a Dog's Nose: essentially it's just a pint of light beer with a shot of gin dropped into it. Personally, I prefer Stella Artois w/ a shot of Hendick's, but some consider this combo too floral and prefer plain old Tanq. Either way, it's a nice, zippy drink.
Late to the party on this one, but I just made the Dutch 75 with Otter Creek Kolsch instead of H. Light, and I'm extremely pleased.
Thanks for this amazing black cherry champagne cocktail recipe. the drink offers a perfect blend of taste and health. I am going to make this black cherry champagne for the entire family this weekend. I am sure they will like it. thank you for shearing your post.
Fred, I think that Dutch 75 is just a Skip & Go Naked. Hey, that gives me an idea for the July MxMo!
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