Friday, October 23, 2009

:: administrata ::

First off, feel free to add our newly created Twitter feed to find out what and where we're drinking at the moment or what cool spirit, bar tool, or antique glassware we just spotted or scored in 140 characters or less:

And second, the F.T.C. is making bloggers disclose samples and the like. It's true: we do get invited on occasion to free special events (such as the Bols Genever release party) as press and do receive free samples of bargoods to try out. These free-bees do not buy a good review although we are more likely to write about our positive experiences with the cocktails that result from them. This blog is what the 4 Cocktail Virgin/Sluts drink while at home or out as a way of recording for posterity the recipes we have enjoyed. We do realize that we have an effect on people's consumerisms, and we respect that and only discuss products and drinks that make us happy. Spirits that get used can often be substituted; bars do this all the time, so if you are playing the home game, do not fret about making due with what is in stock. Indeed, part of specificity is to maintain an accurate record of events and not to promote individual products per se.

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