3/4 oz Amaro Braulio
1/2 oz Tempus Fugit Crème de Cacao
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
One of the new Braulio drinks on the menu at Russell House Tavern was created by Hannah Moore. While seeming like a bitter take on a 20th Century, the name is a tribute to Henrik Ibsen's 19th century A Doll House. One of the characters exits her house at the end of the play with an act that has been called a "door slam heard 'round the world" and perhaps the Braulio element here would be just as jarring? Similar to how Fernet Branca pairs well with crème de cacao such as in the Royal Flush, I was eager to see if chocolate notes worked just as well with Braulio. The Spring 44 Old Tom Gin falls in intensity somewhere between the light Hayman's and the potent Ransom products and shares nutmeg, juniper pine, and cinnamon notes.

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