Boston Cocktails: Drunk & Told is the 5 year follow-up to the 2012 Drink & Tell: A Boston Cocktail Book. The first book was described as "a cocktail historian's tour of a city he knows and love," and this book continues on with that theme with over 850 novel recipes from over 100 bars and restaurants in the Greater Boston area. In addition, there are essays on hospitality, cocktail trends, and tributes to Boston bartender greats to round out this love letter to the Boston drink scene. From famous bars and bartenders to lesser known establishments and drink slingers, this book captures the tapestry of what makes Boston truly a cocktail town.
Boston Cocktails: Drunk & Told is perfect for the home bartender, for the Boston barfly looking for a memento, and for the professional bartender seeking inspiration on improving their trade.
• 855 recipes from 102 bars and restaurants in Greater Bostonhttps://www.amazon.com/Boston-Cocktails-Frederic-Robert-Yarm/dp/0988281813/
• 10 essays on hospitality
• Tributes to some of Boston bartending's allstars
• Features on the Daiquiri Time Out and other Boston phenomenons
• A by-location and by-ingredient index for this book AND for the 2012 Drink & Tell book!! Yes, for all 1360 drinks spanning 2006-2017!
http://www.thebostonshaker.com/drunk-told-by-frederic-yarm.html (via their webstore and on their shelves)
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