1 1/4 oz Plantation 3 Star Rum
3/4 oz Jamaican Overproof Rum (Rumfire)
1 oz Pineapple Juice
3/4 oz Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Falernum with strong ginger notes (Velvet Falernum with 2 coin Ginger muddled in the mix)
Building a Collins glass (I strained out the muddled ginger), fill with crushed ice, and swizzle to mix and chill. Top with crushed ice and garnish festively (mint sprigs).

Two Wednesdays ago, I returned home from work and raided my garden for mint to garnish my evening's Swizzle. The recipe that I was excited to make was the Passion Grove Swizzle crafted by Matt Pietrek on his
CocktailWonk blog. Since Matt insisted that ginger notes were necessary to complement the pineapple, I ended up muddling ginger into the mix to supplement the rather mild Velvet Falernum that I have. Once prepared, the Passion Grove Swizzle presented mint over rum funk aromas. Next, lemon and hints of pineapple on the sip gave way to funky rum, passion fruit, pineapple, and ginger elements on the swallow.
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