Thursday, January 6, 2022

:: books that cite fred yarm's work ::

Earlier this week, Camper English on Alcademics decided to compile a list of books that used his material and cited him in the text. Since my mind can only handle so any memories at once, I decided to write them down too, and I listed them in order of their first publication year.

01. Annual Manual for Bartenders 2011, Gary Regan (2011).
02. Drink & Tell: A Boston Cocktail Book, Frederic Yarm (2012).
03. 901 Very Good Cocktails, Stew Ellington (2012).
04. The Negroni, Gary Regan (2013, 2015).
05. Craft Cocktails at Home, Kevin Liu (2013).
06. 101 Best New Cocktails (of 2013) Volume 3, Gary Regan (2014).
07. Shrubs, Michael Dietsch (2014, 2016).
08. 101 Best New Cocktails (of 2014) Volume 4, Gary Regan (2015).
09. 101 Best New Cocktails (of 2015) Volume 5, Gary Regan (2016).
10. The Complete Cocktail Manual, Lou Bustamante (2016).
11. 1210 More Very Good Cocktails, Stew Ellington (2016).
12. Difford's Guide to Cocktails Vol. 12 (plus future volumes), Simon Difford (2016 and future volumes).
13. Boston Cocktails: Drunk & Told, Frederic Yarm (2017).
14. Lost Recipes of Prohibition, Matthew Rowley (2017).
15. The Joy of Mixology, Revised & Updated Edition, Gary Regan (2018).
16. Romantic Cocktails, Clair McLafferty (2019).
17. Tiki Triangle, Justin Cristaldi (2019).
18. Batch Cocktails, Maggie Hoffman (2019).
19. The Cocktail Seminars, Brian Hoefling (2021).
20. Oxford Companion to Spirits & Cocktails, David Wondrich & Noah Rothbaum (2021).
21. Cheers!: Cocktails & Toasts to Celebrate Every Day of the Year, Philip Greene (2022).
22. That's Amaro: An Amaro Cocktail Book, J.E. Clapham (2024).
24. Beyond Campare: A Campari Cocktail Book, J.E. Clapham (2024).
25. The Chartreuse Cocktail Book, J.E. Clapham (2024).
26. The Dubonnet Cocktail Book, J.E. Clapham (2024).
27. Spooky Cocktails, Clair McLafferty (2025).

The following included me in the acknowledgements where my help ended up as recipes or content but I was not cited in the text. Does not including books that merely listed the blog URL in the appendix:

Drinking Boston, Stephanie Schorow (2012, 2019).
The Cocktail Chronicles, Paul Clarke (2015).
Cheers to Michigan: A Celebration of Cocktail Culture & Craft Distillers, Tammy Coxen (2019).
Jupiter Disco: Preservation, Maks Pazuniak & Al Sotack (2020).

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