Saturday, March 15, 2025

stink eye

2 oz Knob Creek Bourbon (Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
3/4 oz Punt e Mes
1/4 oz Fernet Branca
1/4 oz Cynar
1 dash Fee's Walnut Bitters (2 dash Strongwater Mountain Elixirs)

Stir with ice, strain into a coupe, and garnish with lemon oil from a twist.
Two Saturdays ago, I decided to make a recipe called the Stink Eye that a friend posted on Instagram earlier in the week. The drink was created by St. Paul, Minnesota, enthusiast Craig Eliason and posted on KindredCocktails. Overall, it read like Eastern Standard's Fernet Cocktail with a little more Punt e Mes, less Fernet and spice from the whiskey (rye vs. Bourbon), and the addition of Cynar and walnut bitters. In the glass, the Stink Eye showcased a lemon and minty-menthol bouquet to the nose. Next, grape and a hint of caramel on the sip opened up into Bourbon, herbal, and menthol flavors on the swallow. While it was indeed similar to that Fernet Cocktail, the Cynar did have a small modulating effect on the herbal signature to make it a touch more complex.

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