After 6 years of service, our brave host, Paul Clarke, has handed the reins off to me to run Mixology Monday. Since that happened last week, I have set up a @MixologyMonday twitter account that you all should start following. In not wanting to waste much time in getting this monthly online cocktail party restarted, I decided that I would do this one and start soliciting help for subsequent ones.
For this month, I have chosen the theme of equal part cocktails -- those simple drinks where only one jigger is needed despite how many ingredients are added. These recipes have gained a lot of popularity as classics like the Negroni and Last Word have resurfaced, and variations of these equal part wonders have become abundant. Besides these three and four equal parts recipes, I have had delightful two, five, and six part drinks, and I have definitely spotted seven and more part Pousse-cafés in the literature.
Here's how to play:
• Find or concoct a drink recipe that has an equal parts recipe. Garnishes do not count, and if you want to be a non-purist and include a dash of bitters, that is fine too.
• Make the drink and then post the recipe, a photo, and your thoughts about the beverage on your blog or on eGullet's Spirits and Cocktails forum.
• Include in your post the MxMo logo and a link back to both the Mixology Monday and Cocktail Virgin sites. And once the round-up is posted, a link to that summary post would be appreciated.
• Post a link to your submission in the comment section here, or send an email to yarm-at-verizon.net
The due date is Monday, September 17th which I will interpret as whatever gets posted before I awake on Tuesday the 18th (yes, I will accept late entries but a deadline as a symbolic form of structure is needed for this sort of cat herding).
Congrats on taking over Mixology Monday! Glad to see you getting things going right away. I'm already thinking about what to write about...Cheers! Jenn, Nightcapped
Thanks again for taking up this task. I would have been sad to see MxMo slip into oblivion.
Congrats...wondered if this was still going..look forward to it.
I look forward to this with equal parts excitement and bourbon. One usually propagates the other!
My bad, I just saw that you'd prefer us post on here instead: http://spiritedremix.blogspot.com/2012/09/mxmo-lxv-equal-parts.html
Hi. Thanks again for taking this on. Here is our post:
Hey Fred, here's my submission to this month's Mxmo. Cheers!
Great to see this back again, Fred. Thanks and here is my entry, cheers!
Oops, posted on the mxmo site first! Thanks again, here is my link.
Don't worry -- I check both. But the next host may not. I'll try to word the MixologyMonday blog post better next time. Thanks for your post and welcome back!
Here is mine! :D
Nice work getting this thing going again!
Here's my first go at it:
I'm so very glad MxMo is back.
My own submission, a nice little tiki drink:
Your the man fred here's my post
I finally got around to submitting something to MxMO! Glad to see it has survived the ages.
Second time I take part (and I'm still doing it in French)...
Thanks once again Frederick, been some time coming, here's my contribution for 'Equal Parts' - http://theventuremixologist.blogspot.com/2012/09/all-else-equal.html
Just in time! http://measureandstir.com/2012/09/17/mixology-monday-equal-parts/
Equal Parts! Here's to MxMo!
Thanks for doing this, Fred. I always wanted to contribute something.
Thanks Frederic! Here's my submission:
My first MxMo!
Hi Frederic!
I'm so glad you brought this back after long last. I hope tumblr blogs are acceptable!
Here's my addition:
Congrats on taking over Mixology Monday. I had been wondering if it was ever going to return. Here's my submission.
Thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of MxMo! Thanks for bringing it back!
Here's my post: http://feu-de-vie.blogspot.com/2012/09/mixology-monday-september-2012-equal.html
Yo—sorry this is so late:
So excited that you're taking over the MxMo duties that I even wrote a post for my blog. I know!
The Cocktail Chronicles: Disappearing Act
Good topic. I made a video for my cocktail, the Faint of Heart. http://www.digitalmixologist.com/mixology-monday-equal-parts-and-the-faint-of-heart/
Glad that Mixology Monday is back !
Here is another contribution from French guys : http://cocktailmolotov.org/mxmo-equal-parts-tropical-variation-on-a-corpse-reviver-2/
Thanks for bringing Mixology Monday back! Here is my last minute entry.
Bon Vivant in Baltimore
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