While discussing all of the way apple flavors pair well with different spirits and liqueurs such as mezcal and Yellow Chartreuse, I figured that apples would make a great Mixology Monday theme if I were to ever host it again. Due to a gap in the MxMo roster (hint: see how to host here), I am back here to run the show!
Apples have been an American booze staple with Johnny Appleseed as its symbolic hero. John Chapman became that legend by planting apple tree nurseries across the northern Appalachia and the Midwest. He did not choose grafting techniques to reproduce sweet edible ones, but bred them to make sour apples perfect for cider and applejack. Michael Pollan in The Botany of Desire

• Find or concoct a recipe that features apple as one of the star ingredients whether it be fresh, cooked, fermented, or distilled. If not a recipe that already utilizes apple, perhaps substitute apple brandy for say Cognac or whiskey in a classic to make a novel variation.
• Make the drink and then post the recipe, a photo, and your thoughts about the libation on your blog, tumblr, or website or on the eGullet Spirits and Cocktails forum.
• Include in your post the MxMo logo (whether the classic or any of the three apple ones provided here) and a link back to both the Mixology Monday and Cocktail Virgin sites. And once the round-up is posted, a link to that summary post would be appreciated.
• Provide a link to your submission in the comment section here, tweet at @cocktailvirgin, or send an email to yarm-at-verizon.net with the word "MxMo" somewhere in the subject line.
The due date is Monday, December 15th which I will interpret as whatever gets posted before I get home after my day bar shift on the 16th (and yes, I will tack on late entries since it is part of the act of cat herding). Yes, we are doing this earlier in the month so that we can pack in all the MxMo excitement before the December holidays begin to take over.

Our entries this month, Demimonde & Field Trip. http://wp.me/p2Kswh-1rO
Thanks for hosting and choosing a great theme.
"One, two! Set for ninety-two."
My submission
Now I finally own a bottle of Laird's Applejack - great theme!
My cocktail for the month...
Thanks for hosting!
Great theme and thanks for hosting. Here is ours:
Thanks again!
Perfect Holiday theme! Thanks for hosting. Here is our entry http://docelliott.net/2014/12/15/mixology-monday-xcii-apples/
Here's my post, thanks for hosting!!
Thanks for hosting this month Fred. Here's my submission
Hi Fred,
Here is my contribution, inspired by Erik Lorincz's Norman Conquest.
Thank you so much for hosting and for selecting such a fantastic theme!!!
A stellar theme this month, Fred! Thank you for hosting! (and natch, I'd like to host again, but I need life to settle down a little first before committing)
Have a dapper Red Plaid Wool Scarf! http://feu-de-vie.blogspot.com/2014/12/mixology-monday-december-2014-apples.html
Finally got my post up, post-shift. Phew! Thank you for hosting! I'm excited to see what this month brings about!
Hi, here is mine. Sorry for the late entry!
Wow am I ever late. I thought it would be this coming monday not the 15th! I sure am sorry Fred.
Here's my contribution. Thanks a lot and enjoy!
All added to the updated MxMo wrap up post. Cheers!
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