1/3 jigger Dry Vermouth (1 1/2 oz Noilly Prat)
3 dash Maraschino (1/4 oz Luxardo)
2 dash Orange Bitters (Regan's)
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
After the Coola Culla Don, I wanted something a bit more old school as a final drink of the night. Therefore, I turned to Boothby's 1934 Boothby's World Drinks And How To Mix Them and found the Silver which caught my eye as a dry (vermouth) Martinez. While the original Martinez recipe utilized Boker's Bitters, I often prefer to make them with orange bitters like in the Silver instead of aromatic ones like Angostura for I find that the extra fruit note helps to accentuate the Maraschino as well as bring out the orange peel notes in the vermouth and gin. Moreover, Boker's Bitters were heavy on the orange peel so this preference has some historical foundation.

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