3/4 oz Benedictine
3 dash Absinthe (1/2 bsp Butterfly)
3/4 oz Grapefruit Juice
3/4 oz Lime Juice
3/4 oz Honey Syrup
Short shake, strain into a glass containing 1 oz soda water and either a Navy Grog ice cone or fill with crushed ice (crushed ice and garnished with grapefruit peel flowers).
Two Wednesdays ago, I got food at Bow Market in Somerville and ended up at Rebel Rebel wine bar. Once home, I was still in a vinous mood even at the cocktail hour, and my mind started turning once I considered the Tiki the Snow Away. Earlier in the week, I mentioned how the dry vermouth-based Chrysanthemum from the 1930 Savoy Cocktail Book was a great drink, but no one seemed to ever order it. Moreover, no bartender has suggested one in a while (I do have a recollection of this happening circa 2007-8), but it did inspire me to craft a Madeira variation called the Undercover Angel that garnered a minor cult following (it was requested by name after it left the list at the bar and has been spotted on the web and Instagram since). For a mashup, I thought about swapping the rum in Don the Beachcomber's Navy Grog to generate an aperitif Tiki drink similar to how well it worked when I substituted in the Campari legend to make the Negroni Grog.

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