Wednesday, February 20, 2013


2 oz John L. Sullivan Irish Whiskey
1 oz Galliano Ristretto Coffee Liqueur
1 dash Chocolate Bitters

Shake with ice and strain into a rocks glass rinsed with Laphroaig 10 Year Scotch.

The drink that Andrea selected from John Henderson's half of the menu at the Blue Room's first Whiskey & Amari night was called Breakfast. With coffee and smoke notes, probably all it needed was a bacon-infused whiskey or an egg shaken with the ingredients to seal the deal. Instead of a complete meal, it was an elegant dessert-y drink that was quite popular that night. John mentioned that the drink works rather well with Michael Collins Single Malt Irish Whiskey for it has a lightly peated barley aspect to it, but the Blue Room lacked a bottle in its inventory.
john henderson cocktail scholars tavern road boston
The drink's Laphroaig rinse contributed a smoke note to the dark and malty bouquet. While the sip was filled with the Ristretto's roast flavors, the swallow showcased the Irish whiskey and the rest of the coffee notes. Interestingly, the first swallow was rather chocolatey from the bitters, and the later swallows were more coffee-driven in nature. Overall, Breakfast was a coffee Manhattan similar to the Averna-laden Black Manhattan.

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