1 tsp Grenadine (3/8 oz)
1 tsp Triple Sec (3/8 oz Cointreau)
Juice 1/4 Lemon (3/4 oz)
1 Egg White
Shake once without ice and once with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and garnish with a thin slice of lemon (lemon twist).
Two Sundays ago, I selected Ted Saucier's Bottoms Up for my evening's refreshment. The recipe I chose from there was Paddlin' Madeline Home by William Glaxton, a vaudeville, film, and theater celebrity and president of the Lambs social club in New York City. Like his Of Thee I Sing, Baby, the drink name has a theatrical aspect with Paddlin' Madeline Home being a fox-trot from the 1925 musical comedy "Sunny." Overall, it reminded me on paper of a Jack Rose and an Apple Sidecar meeting a Pink Lady, so I was game to give it a try.

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