Friday, February 14, 2025

scorched earth

1 oz Del Maguel Mezcal Vida (Peloton de la Muerte)
1 oz Ancho Reyes Chile Liqueur
1/4 oz Agave Syrup
2 dash Fee's Chocolate Bitters (Bittermens Mole)

Stir with ice, strain into an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube, and garnish with a flamed orange twist (unflamed).
When I got home a little after 1 am from my flights from Colorado Springs, I was tired but not sleepy. Therefore, I sought out a nightcap and selected the Scorched Earth from Ward 8 in Boston that reminded me of a Oaxacan Old Fashioned with roasted vegetal, dried fruit, and pepper spice notes from the Ancho Reyes in place of the neo-classic's aged tequila. The Classic Recipes Boston blog seemed to attribute this to Rob Haberek in 2015 and confirmed the recipe from my online flashcard source. Once prepared, the Scorched Earth gave forth an orange, vegetal, smoke, and dried fruit aroma. Next, roasted vegetable notes on the sip flowed into smoky, vegetal, spice, and dried date flavors on the swallow.

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