Tuesday, October 21, 2008

:: jessica goes to SF, and takes poor notes at Bourbon & Branch::

So I think I've discovered the secret to becoming a successful blogger (whatever the hell that means): get someone else to do all of your writing, sit back, and enjoy! I've had my notebook sitting here next to my computer for weeks -- months! -- yet I never actually cracked it to recount my notes. To bring you up to speed on my scintillating life:

So I ended up going to San Francisco! It was sort of unplanned, but there was this wedding in Calistoga that came up a few days before my "the hell I'm going to Burning Man, give me Las Vegas instead" jaunt, so obviously I had to take advantage of the days in-between... So here are the two drinks I had at Bourbon & Branch, which unfortunately I never bothered to record my impressions of, just the ingredients.
The Clermont Affair
pear-infused Old Overholt
Amaro Nonino
dash whiskey-barrel aged bitters
clove essence
Amusingly, the Libertarian we were with ended up ordering a drink called "The Democrat".
Rolls Royce
sweet vermouth
dry vermouth
(I found a recipe online, although I'm not sure the same proportions were used)
Bourbon & Branch has a really cute sign above the door, and the interior is rather lovely. (Leaving: I was not quite prepared for the reality of the Tenderloin on a weeknight) I found the whole "secret password" thing sort of contrived, but I am snarky and no fun. We were not seated at the bar which, I am finding, really makes the experience for me (sigh). I remember finding the drinks tasty and well-mixed, but not terribly exciting. I think I may have become spoiled by the excellent bartenders we have here in Boston, and my expectations have grown so high that even great service elsewhere does not impress as it ought to.

1 comment:

frederic said...

I've noticed the same thing about sitting at the bar. It's one part getting to interact with the cocktail artist instead of passively just placing an order, and one part the chance that you will get better boozes since they're pulling them out in front of you.