The theme for this month's
Mixology Monday (MxMo CV) was picked by the good Doctor of
Doc Elliot's Mixology blog. The theme he chose was "Brace Yourself," and he elaborated on the choice with his description of, "Now that the holidays are behind us, we get to deal with the rest of winter... that magnificent season of grey skies, blustery winds, freezing sleet and blowing snow. January is Mixology Monday #105 and we're definitely talking cocktails. Winter usually evokes scenes of roaring fires with glasses or mugs filled with warming liquid fortifying us against the cold and damp. Winter provides the shared universal experience that spans language, geography and the centuries -- that moment just before you step out into the cold; to walk to the bus stop, hit the ski slope, shovel the snow or feed the livestock. So what adult beverages can best prepare the body and steel the will for that moment when we go forth into Winter?"

Winter drinks make me think of two directions: hot drinks or thick flavorful egg drinks (or both, like the
Tom & Jerry). Two Mixology Mondays ago when I made the
Viking Fog Cutter, I declared, "Given my Tiki momentum which will go as long as my mint patch survives the colder weather..."; true, my mint patch did last weeks later than normal this season but it did die off around New Years. But does Tiki need to end? Pegu Blog Doug only begins to start his Tiki adventures on February 1st, so why not continue on? The impetus for the Tiki idea was when thinking about hot drinks, I remember spotting several in Jeff Berry's books. The one I chose, the Hot Tiger's Milk, was from
Sippin' Safari, and Berry attributes the recipe to Don the Beachcomber back in 1937. In essence, the Hot Tiger's Milk is akin to a
Hot Buttered Rum with the butter batter in the classic also including coconut cream and honey but not having as much spice as many of the classic Hot Buttered Rums do (and certainly not as many as the recipe I provide in that link that has 4 of the 10 house spices in the magical butter batter at Loyal Nine listed). Berry fully admitted that this recipe was his adaptation since Lopez Coconut Cream was not invented until 1953 but it works so much better than the original's coconut milk and sugar. Hot drinks, tropical-themed escapism, booze, and spice? Sounds like the perfect way to brace myself against Winter.
Hot Tiger's Milk
• 1 1/2 oz Amber Virgin Island Rum (El Dorado 5 Year)
• 3 tsp Tiger Milk Batter (*)
• 1 strip Orange Peel
• 3 whole Cloves (5 here)
• 4 oz Boiling Water
Build in a 6 oz mug or single old fashioned glass and stir to mix. I studded the orange peel with the cloves and added two more that were above the water line to make 5 cloves total. I also microwaved the drink briefly to help to melt the coconut fat into the mix.
(*) Batter is 4 parts Lopez Coconut Cream, 1 part softened butter, 1 part clover honey. 2, 1/2, 1/2 tsp, respectively, will work for making one drink.
The Hot Tiger's Milk greeted the nose with a butter and honey-floral aroma. The rum's caramel danced with the honey on the sip, and the swallow roared with rum, orange, and clove notes. The flavors, especially the orange and clove, built over time as they steeped into the Toddy.
Thanks to the Doc Elliot for hosting this month and giving people ways to combat seasonal affective disorder without all of those bright lamps or unnatural pills. And thanks to the rest of the Mixology Monday participants for bracing themselves against the cold and getting up the gumption to participate once again in this monthly online cocktail party of sorts. Cheers!
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