1/2 oz Batavia Arrack
3/4 oz Orgeat
3/4 oz Lemon Juice
1 oz Pineapple Juice
Blend with 1 cup crushed ice for 5 seconds and pour into a Tiki mug (shake with ice, strain into a Tiki mug, and fill with crushed ice). Garnish with pineapple fruit leaves (mint, lemon twists, flower).
A few Wednesdays ago, I spotted an older drink on Imbibe Magazine's website from Paul McGee called the Tall as a Tree and Twice as Shady. The recipes that he created at Chicago's 3 Dots and a Dash is one of the rare Scotch Tiki drinks that includes classics like the Starboard Light and Cocoanut Grove Cooler and recent ones like the Angry Barista and The Adventures of Peat and Peat. Since the combination of whisky, orgeat, and lemon has done well in drinks like the Bitter Scotsman, I was definitely willing to give this one a go.

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