1 oz Dark Jamaican Rum (Coruba)
1/2 oz Amber 151 Proof Rum (Don Q)
3/4 oz Crème de Banana (Giffard)
1 oz Orange Juice
1 oz Pineapple Juice
1/2 oz Lime Juice
Whip shake with crushed ice, pour into a tall glass (Tiki mug), and fill with crushed ice. Garnish with a banana slice-cherry pick and a purple orchid (omit the orchid).

Two Mondays ago, Andrea requested a Tiki drink, so I looked to Beachbum Berry's
Remixed for an answer. There, I spotted the Planet of the Apes that seemed to follow up the Chimp in Orbit from a couple of nights ago quite well, and Berry explained that it "evolved from a mid-century Caribbean Cooler called the West Indian Punch." Once prepared, the Planet of the Apes conjured up banana and cherry aromas from the garnish. Next, lime and orange notes on the sip evolved into funky rum, pineapple, and banana flavors on the swallow.
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