Thursday, February 8, 2024


2 oz Rye Whiskey (Old Overholt 86°)
3/4 oz Lemon Juice
3/4 oz Maraschino Liqueur (Luxardo)
2 dash Orange Bitters (Regan's)

Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail coupe, and garnish with a cherry.
Two Thursdays ago, I fired up the Bartender's Choice app and decided to make the Adderly. Sam Ross based this rye drink at Milk & Honey in 2005 on the gin-based Casino (sort of an Aviation with orange bitters and no violette) originating from Hugo Ensslin's 1916 Recipes for Mixed Drinks. In the glass, the Adderly opened up with nutty cherry and rye aromas. Next, lemon and cherry notes on the sip stepped aside for rye and cherry flavors on the swallow with an orange finish. Overall, the combination reminded me of a less herbal Final Ward.

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