Saturday, October 19, 2024

put on stun

1 oz Rittenhouserye Rye
1 oz Laird's Bonded Apple Brandy
1/2 oz Amaro Ramazzotti
2 dash Root Beer Bitters (Bitter Queens Sarsparilla)

Stir with ice, strain into double old fashioned glass with a large ice cube, and garnish with a twist (orange twist).
Note: I recommend a tsp simple syrup added here (see text).
While I was searching the Kindred Cocktails database two Saturdays ago, I came across the Put on Stun by Otis Florence at PDT in Manhattan circa 2013 that reminded me of Death & Co.'s Bourbon-based Pop Quiz. I had met Otis when he was touring with the master distiller for El Dorado Rum back in 2015, and he made me a Tiki drink after the seminar. Once assembled, the Put on Stun opened up with orange and root beer aromas. Next, a caramel sip gave way to rye, apple, root beer, and herbal flavors on the swallow. Overall, it was a bit hot at first, so perhaps a teaspoon of simple syrup like in the Pop Quiz could mellow the alcohol heat out here.

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