Saturday, October 22, 2022


1 oz Fernet Branca
1 oz White Crème de Menthe (Tempus Fugit)
1 oz Cocchi Sweet Vermouth

Stir with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and garnish with a cherry.
Two Saturdays ago, I got home from work and discovered that Andrea had gotten me takeout from Veggie Galaxy. After eating way too much, I needed something to settle the stomach before I went to bed, so I remembered that there was an interesting Fernet drink from the A Spot at the Bar book. The recipe was the Apotheke that the authors claimed to have sourced from the 1919 Henry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails book and came across like a Corpse Reviver #3 with sweet vermouth instead of brandy; I was not able to find the recipe in the 1923 2nd edition on EUVS though, but it was in my later edition with supplemental material added in 1986 (1996 printing). Once prepared, the Apotheke approached the nose with a minty and menthol aroma. Next, caramel and grape notes on the sip shifted toward mint and menthol flavors on the swallow.

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