Monday, July 17, 2023

palpable apathy

1 oz Rye Whiskey (Rittenhouse Bonded)
1 oz Sweet Vermouth (Cocchi)
1 oz Amaro Braulio
1 dash Lemon Bitters (Berg & Hauck)

Stir with ice, strain into an old fashioned glass, and garnish with a lemon (orange) twist.
Two Mondays ago, I searched a few sites for Amaro Braulio recipes, and soon I uncovered the Palpable Apathy in Serious Eats. Maggie Hoffman published the recipe in 2018 and attributed it to owner/bartender David Little at the Barnacle Bar in Seattle as a Boulevardier riff. With an orange twist instead of a lemon one, it began with an orange, caramel, and minty herbal aroma. Next, grape and caramel notes on the sip passed into rye and dark herbal flavors with bright minty ones on the swallow. Overall, Braulio took the Boulevardier concept in a deeper and more complex direction than the classic with Campari.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great name