Saturday, December 16, 2023

psychadelic quinceañera

1 1/2 oz Tequila (Olmeca Altos)
1/2 oz Mezcal (Peloton de la Muerte)
1/2 oz Agwa de Bolivia
1/4 oz Maraschino (Luxardo)
1 dash Orange Bitters

Stir with ice, strain into a cocktail coupe, and garnish with lemon oil from a twist.
Two Saturdays ago, I returned to the online recipe flashcard set from Shift Drinks in Portland, Oregon. There, I decided to make the Psychadelic Quinceañera that would provide a reason to open the bottle of Agwa, a coca leaf and herbal distillate, that was sent to me as a sample over a decade ago and I never found a tempting recipe to use it in. I was able to spot the drink on their 2015 menu via a photo on Yelp, and it was perhaps named after the 2014 song by Tacocat which works with that timeline. Once prepared, the drink showcased a lemon, vegetal, and cherry aroma. Next, a semi-sweet sip progressed into vegetal, nutty cherry, minty, herbal, and smoke flavors on the swallow.

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