Sunday, July 14, 2024

marilyn ricketts

1 1/2 oz Privateer Silver Rum (Hamilton's White Stache)
3/4 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Crème de Cacao (Bols)
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
4-5 leaf Mint
1 Egg White

Shake one round without ice and one round with ice, strain into a coupe glass, and garnish with freshly grated cocoa nib (baker's chocolate).
Two Sundays ago, I returned back to the bartender's recipe list from Eastern Standard that I received a few months ago and spotted the Marilyn Ricketts that reminded me of an egg white version of the Scorpion Kick. The drink was named after the culinary student who popularized mint chocolate chip ice cream in a contest for the ice cream dessert for the 1973 wedding of Princess Anne to Captain Mark Philips. While the flavor lives on, the name of Mint Royale has mostly faded away. As one would hope from the theme, this egg white Sour of sorts began with a mint and chocolate aroma. Next, a creamy lime sip melted into rum, mint, and chocolate flavors on the swallow.

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