Tuesday, July 23, 2024

seafarer's delight

6 cL Aged Rum (2 oz R.L. Seale 10 Year)
1.5 cL Falernum (1/2 oz Velvet)
0.5 cL Allspice Dram (1 tsp Hamilton's)
3 cL Lemon Juice (1 oz)
2 cL Orgeat (2/3 oz or 1/2 oz + 1 tsp)
2 dash Aromatic Bitters (Angostura)

Shake with ice, strain into a coupe glass (rocks glass with ice), and garnish with a lemon twist and mint sprig.
Two Tuesdays ago I spotted the Seafarer's Delight by German tropical drinks aficionado Kevin Heinze on Facebook's Tiki Recipes group. The combination reminded me a little of the spiced-Mai Tai riff, the Cuban Anole, but with falernum, allspice, and bitters instead of cinnamon syrup as well as a major change of citrus with lemon instead of lime. I opted for a single old fashioned glass with ice, for the larger build size here and the garnish I crafted would have problems working in most of my coupes. Kevin explained his glassware choice on my Instagram, "I have choosen the coupe, because I wanted to mix a rum-based Manhattan at first, which is why I had pre-chilled this glass type instead a rocks glass. But considering... the warm weather, it ended up as a Sour." Once prepared, the Seafarer's Delight pleased the senses with lemon, minty, and nutty aromas. Next, a creamy lemon sip sailed into aged rum, almond, allspice, and clove flavors on the swallow.

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