50% Gin (1 1/2 oz Beefeater)
16-2/3% Caloric Punsch (1/2 oz Kronin Swedish Punsch)
33-1/3% Pineapple Juice (1 oz)
1 dash Lemon Juice (1/4 oz)
1 dash Grenadine (1/4 oz)
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

Two Tuesdays ago, I started perusing my digital cocktail book library and landed on the 1937
UKBG Approved Cocktails book. There, I selected the Devon Gem created by Victor Kennard at the American Club, a gentlemen's club in London for American ex-pats that was open from 1918 until the 1980s. Overall, the drink appeared like a cross between a
Have a Heart and a
Royal Hawaiian. Once prepared, the Devon Gem gave forth pine and pineapple aromas along with a darker note from the Swedish punsch. Next, pineapple, lemon, and berry flavors on the sip gave way to gin and caramel funky tea notes from the Swedish punsch along with a pineapple finish.
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