Monday, August 19, 2024

ticonderoga club

1 1/2 oz Planteray Mister Fogg Navy Rum
1 oz Pierre Ferrand 1840 Cognac
1/2 oz Lustau East India Solera Sherry
1/2 oz Pineapple Syrup
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
Shake with ice, strain into a Julep cup, fill with crushed ice, and garnish with mint sprigs.
Two Mondays ago, I attended the book launch event for The Bartender's Pantry at Equal Measure and sponsored by Pierre Ferrand. For a welcome drinks made by bar principle Liza Hoar and passed around by beverage director Jackson Cannon was the Ticonderoga Cup created by Paul Calvert at the Ticonderoga Club in Atlanta. The book itself does not contain this recipe but utilized the bar's pineapple syrup found within the book's pages. My guess is that book illustrator Bart Sasso who was in attendance and works at that bar suggested this one (the Cup sans recipe is mentioned in the syrup's description though). The presentation's side deck included the recipe as served to us; the recipes that I found online only specify the rum as English style, so Planteray's British Naval-style rum re-creation worked perfectly. However, in those sources, the sherry is listed as a drier Oloroso instead of the semi-sweet cream sherry that is an Eastern Standard/Equal Measure sherry house style. With the Oloroso, the recipe is akin to a rum and Cognac version of the American whiskey Izzy Bizzy Highball by Tom Bullock in his 1917 Ideal Bartender book.

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