1 oz Calvados (Morin Selection)
1/2 oz Wyoming Whiskey (Wild Turkey 101° Bourbon)
1/4 oz Laird's Bonded Apple Brandy
1/4 oz Blume Marillen Apricot Eau de Vie (Shalakh)
1 tsp 2:1 Demerara Gum Syrup (1/4 oz 1:1 Demerara Syrup)
1 dash Orange Bitters (Regan's)
Stir with ice, strain into an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube, and garnish with an orange twist.

Two Thursdays ago, I spotted a reference to the Unidentified Floral Objects on
Reddit's cocktail forum, and I looked up the recipe in my copy of Death & Co.'s
Cocktail Codex book. The drink was crafted by Alex Day in 2016 at the New York City location, and it reminded me a little of the
Saucy Sue from the
Savoy Cocktail Book. Here, it offered up orange and apricot aromas to the nose. Next, apple and orchard fruit notes on the sip gave way to apple and apricot flavors on the swallow. I most likely passed over the recipe for I lack Wyoming Whiskey, but alas, the whiskey component here was merely in the background even with a flavorful Bourbon, so it is a pity that I waited to so long to make this one.
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