Saturday, January 20, 2024

absinthe suissesse

1 oz Absinthe Verte (Pernod Absinthe)
1/4 oz Orgeat
1 oz Heavy Cream (Trader Joe's Vegan)
1 Egg White
1/4 oz Crème de Menthe (as float) (Tempus Fugit)

Shake absinthe, orgeat, and egg white without ice. Add cream and ice and shake again. Strain into a coupe, float crème de menthe, and garnish with freshly grated nutmeg.
Two Saturdays ago, I spotted a recipe for an Absinthe Suissesse on PunchDrinks that made me realize that I had never written one up here despite riffing on it for an absinthe competition in the Mai Tai Suissesse mashup given the common orgeat component. This recipe was crafted by Kirk Estinopal at Cure in New Orleans, and it was surprisingly different from the one in Neal Bodenheimer's Cure: New Orleans Drinks and How to Mix'Em. The book version has a slightly heavier pour of absinthe and simple syrup instead of orgeat, and I decided to use the article's recipe for orgeat in my mind has seemed like an important ingredient after reading multiple recipes throughout the years. Using Kirk's recipe, the Absinthe Suissesse donated a minty, wood spice, nutty, and licorice aroma to the senses. Next, a creamy sip subsided into licorice, nutty, and star anise flavors on the swallow. My guess is that much of the crème de menthe float sank for the last few swallows were rather minty.

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