Thursday, January 11, 2024

dolly zoom

1 1/4 oz Mezcal (Peloton de la Muerte)
3/4 oz Apricot Liqueur (Rothman & Winter)
3/4 oz Dry Vermouth (Noilly Prat)
1/8 oz Yellow Chartreuse
1 Lemon Peel

Express lemon peel and drop in the mixing glass, add the rest of the ingredients, stir with ice, and strain into an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube.
Two Thursdays ago, I opened up the Raising the Bar book and landed on the Dolly Zoom by the authors Jacob Grier and Brett Adams. The drink had nothing to do with the obscure orphan class of Zooms that appeared in Frank Meier's 1934 The Artistry Of Mixing Drinks, but it was instead an herbal-fruity mezcal number named after "an in-camera effect where you dolly towards or away from a subject while zooming in the opposite direction" (according to StudioBinder). Once prepared, the Dolly Zoom opened up with apricot, vegetal, and smoke aromas. Next, a semi-sweet and semi-fruity sip slid towards smoky mezcal, dry apricot, and herbal flavors on the swallow with a pine and smoke finish.

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