Wednesday, January 3, 2024


1 oz Wild Turkey 101 Rye (Rittenhouse)
1 oz Banhez Mezcal (Peloton de la Muerte)
3/4 oz Amaro Lucano
1/4 oz Suze
3 drop Bittermens Mole Bitters

Stir with ice, strain into a double old fashioned glass with a large cube, and garnish with an orange twist.
Two Wednesdays ago, I decided to make a recipe that I spotted on KindredCocktails called the Prizefighter that was different from the one that Nicholas Jarrett created. This one was crafted at the Berkshire Room in Chicago, and it was dated to a Winter 2016-2017 menu by a Drinking Society blog post and their YouTube video. In the glass, this Prizefighter squared up to the senses with an orange and vegetal aroma. Next, a caramel-driven sip slipped into rye, smoke, vegetal, dark orange, and chocolate flavors on the swallow. Overall, the Suze was a bit strong in the mix which was suprising at a quarter ounce, but I rather enjoy gentian flavors.

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