Sunday, May 26, 2024

after midnight

2 oz Johnnie Walker Red Scotch (Famous Grouse Smoky Black)
3/4 oz Punt e Mes
1/2 oz Bauchaunt (Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao)
1/4 oz Luxardo Maraschino
Stir with ice, strain into an old fashioned glass, and garnish with flamed orange oils from a twist.
Two Sundays ago, I began perusing the recipe collection from Eastern Standard that came by way of an old bartender there, and I decided upon the After Midnight as a Rob Roy of sorts. I was able to find the drink on a 2016 menu photo on Yelp with the subtitle "And I've got you on my mind" suggesting that it is an Eric Clapton song reference. Overall, it felt like if Eastern Standard's Coup d'État usurped some of Chuck Taggart's Hoskins Cocktail that was on their menu for our first visit back in June 2007. Once prepared, the After Midnight showcased an orange and nutty cherry bouquet. Next, a grape-driven sip gave way to smoky Scotch, orange, herbal, and nutty cherry flavors on the swallow.

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