Tuesday, May 14, 2024

the rest is noise

1 oz Daron Fine Calvados (Morin Selection)
1 oz Linie Aquavit
>1/4 oz Green Chartreuse
1/4 oz Demerara Syrup
1 pinch Salt (3 drop 20% Saline)

Stir with ice and strain into a double old fashioned glass rinsed with Laphroaig Scotch.
Two Tuesdays prior, I returned to the online recipe flashcards for Chicago's The Violet Hour, and I stumbled onto the apple-herbal The Rest is Noise from their Summer 2022 menu. The flashcards described it as a "Scandanavian smoky Sazerac", and the photo I took reminded me of Pouring Ribbons' Parade of the Fairies despite Chartreuse being the only overlapping ingredient. Once prepared, The Rest is Noise started off with a peat smoke aroma from the Laphroaig rinse. Next, apple notes on the sip continued on into the swallow where they were joined by complementary herbaceous and caraway flavors.

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