Tuesday, May 28, 2024

apropos barbados

2 oz Plantation 5 Year Barbados Rum (R.L. Seale 10 Year)
1 oz Lime Juice
3/4 oz Apricot Liqueur (Rothman & Winter)
1/2 oz Velvet Falernum
1 Egg White

Shake one round without ice and one round with ice, strain into a coupe glass, and garnish with drops of Peychaud's Bitters.
Two Tuesdays ago, I returned to the online recipe flashcard set for the 2012 menu at the Dorrance in Providence, Rhode Island. There, I opted for the Apropos Barbados that had the rum, apricot, falernum, and lime combination of the To the Sun but here with egg white. Moreover, the rum, apricot, and falernum trio was one I had success with in the Mount Pelée at Loyal Nine. In the glass, the Apropos Barbados greeted the senses with an anise aroma from the Peychaud's Bitters garnish. Next, a creamy lime sip with hints of orchard fruit sailed into rum, apricot, clove, and ginger flavors on the swallow.

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