Monday, May 20, 2024

there is no spoon

3/4 oz Sombra Mezcal (1 oz Peloton de la Muerte)
3/4 oz Amaro Ramazzotti (1 oz)
3/4 oz Cocchi Americano (1 oz)
3 dash Orange Bitters (Angostura Orange)

Stir with ice, strain into an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube, and garnish with a lemon twist.
Two Mondays ago, I returned to the online recipe flashcards from Analogue in Manhattan. There, I latched onto the There is no Spoon that contained the mezcal-Ramazzotti combination in a three equal parts formula that I enjoyed in Paul MacDonald's The Great Satan with Punt e Mes instead of Cocchi Americano. Once stirred and strained, the There is no Spoon showcased a lemon, smoke, and vegetal bouquet. Next, a caramel and pear noted sip fled towards smoky mezcal, grapefruit, caramel, and root beer flavors on the swallow with orange on the finish.

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