Thursday, June 20, 2024

coley cobbler

2 1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth (Cocchi)
1/2 oz Fernet Branca
1/4 oz Demerara Syrup
2 Orange Wheels

Muddle the orange wheels, add the rest of the ingredients, shake with ice, and strain into a Collins glass. Fill with crushed ice, add a straw, and garnish with 2 orange half moons and around 1/8 oz juniper-forward gin (Beefeater) dripped over the top.
While in Denver reading Nicola Nice's The Cocktail Parlor: How Women Brought the Cocktail Home book in the section mentioning the Sherry Cobbler, I was inspired to riff on Ada Coleman's Hanky Panky and transform it into a Vermouth Cobbler. Sweet vermouth and Fernet were a duo that worked in my Diddlin' Dora back at the Blue Room in 2013, and I decided to make this riff an inverse Hanky Panky of sorts and include classic muddled orange wheels in the mix to smooth out the balance. Once I got home from the trip and made the recipe that I had put into my notes, I dubbed the result the Coley Cobbler after Ada's nickname at the Savoy bar, and it began with an orange and juniper bouquet. Next, grape, orange, and a hint of caramel on the sip opened up into vermouth melding into herbal-menthol flavors on the swallow.

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