Friday, June 14, 2024

princess peach daiquiri

2 oz Planteray Stiggins' Fancy Pineapple Rum
3/4 oz Raspberry Syrup
3/4 oz Lime Juice
2 dash Peach Bitters (Fee Brothers)

Shake with ice, strain into a coupe, and garnish with an orchid (honeysuckle).
Two Fridays ago, I departed work one last time before I left for the USBG national meeting in Denver, and I wanted something refreshing. In the online recipe flashcards for Polite Provisions, I found the Princess Peach Daiquiri that reminded me of the 19th century Knickerbocker. Punch in a 2020 article attributed it to bartender Gabriel Fonseca and described it as "reminescent of Hawaiian Punch," so it seemed like the perfect way to unwind. In the glass, this Daiquiri presented a pineapple and raspberry bouquet. Next, lime and tart red berry notes on the sip were rescued by pineapple, rum, and raspberry flavors on the swallow with a peach finish.

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