Monday, June 3, 2024


3/4 oz Mezcal (Peloton de la Muerte)
3/4 oz Rhum Agricole Blanc (Rhum JM 100°)
1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse
1/2 oz Amaro Montenegro
1/2 oz Cynar

Stir with ice, strain into an old fashioned glass, and garnish with orange oils from a twist.
Two Mondays ago, I attended a Calvados event at Equal Measure. Before the event began, beverage director Jackson Cannon came over and mentioned that last night at Eastern Standard next door, there was a request for the Espionage that was created there in 2012. When the staff was unsure of the recipe, they found it here on this blog and were able to fulfill the request. Later that night, I decided to riff on the Espionage which had a quinoa vodka base to create the Sabotage with the mezcal-rhum agricole combination that worked well for me in the Miracles Take Longer and the Up Jumped the Devil. In the glass, the Sabotage started off with an orange, grassy funk, and smoke-filled nose. Next, caramel and orange notes on the sip slid into vegetal, herbal, pine, and minty flavors on the swallow.

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