Thursday, June 27, 2024

thieves in the night

1 oz Sombra Mezcal (Peloton de la Muerte)
1 oz St. George Terroir Gin
1/4 oz Amaro Braulio
1/4 oz Maple Syrup

Build in a Julep tin, add crushed ice, stir, and top with more crushed ice. Garnish with a mint bouquet and dark chocolate (grated).
Two Thursdays ago, I opened up the Death & Co. Welcome Home book and honed in on the Thieves in the Night by Jarred Weigand in 2018. This split based gin-mezcal Julep was accented by Amaro Braulio and maple with mint solely acting as the garnish. Since Braulio has worked well with both mezcal and gin in drinks like the Montañista and Ibsen's Door, respectively, I was curious to try out this combination. Once assembled, the Thieves in the Night amassed a mint and dark chocolate bouquet. Next, caramel and maple notes on the sip smuggled in smoky, vegetal, pine, and menthol flavors on the swallow.

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